Bottle of Elixir

sharing every mellifluous moments

No more h1n1 in Malaysia?

Here it goes :

When H1N1 struck Malaysia, my boss always instructed me to do the same thing everyday.
"Hey , call every bureau and ask them what's the latest h1n1's statistic in their area,"..

Why? Because the statistic will be published the next day so that people in Malaysia will be informed with the latest info. *I used to work with Utusan fyi*..

During those days, people were scared that they will be infected as H1N1 is a deadly epidemic. They even scared to go out to public places. Kids were prohibited from playing outside.

Gov started to announce safety steps to be taken such as..

Some schools and offices were closed, mask, soap and tissue's sales increased tremendously ..

But , what about now? Does h1n1 has been forgotten?

What do you think fellas? Do you still remember H1N1 ?


3 drops of elixir:

STILL!!! just they try to cover and dont tell the world bout it..~*


jawab lam melayu la bole??gua fail sikit Bi ni...

masih manusia itu mudah lupa..riso kejp je..kang rasa da takde...depa senyap bikin dunno...


ada lagi la
ari tu ku baca 10 orang lagi kena tahan
cuma benda nih sebab dah jumpa vaksin so ok la kut

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Bottle of Elixir by angeldream is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Malaysia License.
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